Monday, June 27, 2011

Cole's quotes at church

Cole seems to like to provide comments or ask questions during the children's sermon at church. On one Sunday after Madeline (grandma and grandpa's dog) died, Pastor Carol was talking about remembering our loved ones who have died. Cole promptly yelled out, "Madeline is in heaven too" to which Pastor Carol had to stop and ask who Madeline was. We had to explain in front of everyone that she was grandma's dog. On another Sunday, after the sermon Cole yelled out, "is God in there?" (pointing to the baptismal fount.) The pastor had to explain in front of everyone that no, God isn't necessarily in there but he everywhere. Another Sunday had the Pastor giving a sermon about disciples and asked the kids, what is another way to describe a disciple? The pastor intern Ryan said, sometimes we refer to them as little children, kind of like you. Cole then yelled out, "no I'm a big boy" to which everyone in the church erupted in laughter. Ryan then had to restate and say, yes we could say the disciples are like children, big girls and boys like you. Cole always seems to be listening and you never know what he will say.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Visiting uncle Kjell

Today Cole, Cora and dad went to see Kjell's construction site, then we walked to the park and played in the new playground. After that we went and picked up pizza to have at home with mom.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Daddy's birthday weekend

Cole & Anna

Friday night we all drove to the Phinney farmers market & made pizza (with goat cheese for the kiddos) at home. Saturday we divided up to the Men's (@ church) and Girl's (@ Petes) breakfasts then to the zoo playground for Anna's birthday party. A quick lunch then we did presents for Daddy and spent the afternoon bbq and flower shopping at hardware stores. Dinner out at Greenlake Bar & Grill was fun until Cole threw sweet potatoes fries across the restaurant (hitting a woman dining nearby!) and we had to go home without yogurt :(
Sunday we all had a lazy morning at home, then went to church. Cora practiced walking with Emily and Cole played with all the older girls. We bought lots of yummy birthday burgers, ribs & desserts at Whole Foods and headed home to nap. Kjell, Jamie, & Carmen came over post-nap and we all took a stroll yogurt to celebrate Brandon's birthday. We then came home and prepared way too much food on daddy's new bbq. What a feast! Cora & Cole both LOVED the ribs and everyone enjoyed the apple pie. Mom lost the special birthday candles she had bought way ahead of time (37) so we ended up using 32 candles we had from a few years ago.

Fun rain or shine at Jenny's

Cole & Olive wearing flower crowns
Safra and ? post-lunch
all the ladies cooking in the backyard
Tired lumberjacks
Cora with her crown

?, Safra, Cole, & Teo playing in the front yard

Cole & Cora in a hole together

The kiddos had a great couple weeks at Jenny's with some sun, some rain, and all their best friends.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Library outings with Jenny

Cole and the girls walked to the library twice this week with Jenny. On one of the days he and Sophie held hands all the way there. Then on the way back, she swung him around and gave him a big kiss. Aric said he looked stunned but happy.