Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cole's 3rd Birthday

Cole threw quite a party for his birthday this year. The weekend of his actual birthday we kept it low-key with a family party (Cupcake Royale of course!) and gifts. Cole got a yellow balance bike and took it out to the lake to ride right away. It took a few times and some adjustment of the seat height but before long we had trouble keeping up with him! Cole also got a baseball glove for his birthday.
Cole agreed to have his birthday party on Memorial Day weekend so that the Hardenbrooks and Rutherfords could attend.  He requested an Elmo theme, so we did Elmo cupcakes (with Margie's connection saving us by delivering butter cream frosting straight from their bakery!), Elmo balloons and Elmo party favors.  Jana came and led all the party goers in music, culminating in a parade out to the backyard for treats! Cole had a great time with all his friends:  Duncan, Daniel, Caroline, Anna, Addison, Fletcher.  Cora enjoyed the music and even started banging sticks together in time to the music! Cole & Fletcher spent a lot of time climbing trees in then backyard. It was so windy we lost some Elmo balloons to the pear tree and are not sure whether we will ever get them down.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy gray Saturday

We had an early morning, Cole, Cora & mama were up at 6 while daddy caught up on sleep (Cora and he got up on Friday at 4am!). We all cleaned the house then went to Duncan's birthday party in Woodland Park. It was at a picnic shelter and there was soccer, a foam rocket stomper, frisbees and a Curious George cake.
A quick lunch and nap and then Cole, Cora & mama went for a scoot at the lake with Savannah & Margie. We bbq'd for a nice family dinner and the went to Zoe yogurt for dessert! Tomorrow is Coles birthday and we are all very excited.

Monday, May 16, 2011

It's a cloudy day in the neighborhood ...

With rain predicted, we decided to stay close to home this Monday with a scoot to the playroom at green lake, story time at Mockingbird, and a windy walk home. Grandma joined us at the community center & bookstore and we all had a lot of fun. Peanut butter cookies were selected by Cole as the cookie of the week.

Fun quotes from Cole

Last night we were talking about how much Cole would like to ride in the old truck, he loves watching me drive it out of the back yard. He said, "How about if we move the car to the back yard and put the truck in the street and then put my car seat in the back of the truck, would this be a good compromise?" I answered, yes that would be a compromise. Not sure how many 2+ year olds know what compromise means but he seems to.

I was playing baseball with Cole in the back yard and tossed him a ball. He said, wait dad I don't have my mitten on so I can't catch it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cole climbing

Cole has really been into climbing trees lately. He asked if he could climb the old pear tree in the back yard.

Belated celebration with Cora

  On the Sunday following her birthday, Kjell, Jamie & Carmen came over to celebrate. They brought angel food cake and we all had strawberries (Cora doesn't like strawberries, so she had mango chunks). She seemed distracted by all the attention and her hat and didn't really seem to dig in as she usually does at mealtimes.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happy birthday Cora

On Cora's actual birthday, we did cupcakes with Grandma Mary to celebrate. Cora didn't know what to make of the frosting. It was sticky and she kind of acted like it grossed her out. A few tentative tastes was all she took of her huge pink cupcake. Her brother was not nearly as shy with his sugary treat.