Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday at the Science Center

We headed to the Seattle Center and made some new friends. Cole and Shay played chess, ball drop and a little tug-o-war when it became too hard to share.
Cole got to see some butterflies (that were no longer alive) up close, which unfortunately freaked him out enough that he shrieked and ran through the live butterfly exhibit a few minutes later. We had to get help because a butterfly securely attached itself to me, which Cole found even more terrifying. Poor kid! Cora liked playing with Shay's sister (cannot remember her name) around the chess game and watching the big kids.  We also touched some see anemones and sea stars at the water tank.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Funny Cora

When Cora nurses, she braces her feet against the opposite arm of the chair and kicks/bounces throughout the snack. B witnessed this for the first time last night and found it quite funny.

Big boots

Cole wearing mom's boots

picture for grandma, grandpa & madeline

Cole drew pictures to make every feel better, especially Madeline.

Fun at the tubes

We all met up with Mel, Daniel, Gabriel, Nicole & Duncan at the McDonald's playland in Ballard (aka, "the tubes") for some fun on a chilly Sunday morning. Coffee for parents and exercise for kiddos makes us all happy.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday night brownies

Mom, Cole & Cora baked brownies while dad went to Pub Theology. No eggs in the batter means we can all lick the spoon to our hearts content.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cole nursing his baby doll

What looks like Cole's knee is actually the head of the baby doll as he holds it against his "nummy" to feed it.

Ready to go outside

We bundled up and took a walk even though it is 30 degrees outside. Cole requested that we get some gummy worms so we headed to 56th St. Market. Who knew they would have four different kinds. Turns out Cole would rather have Swedish fish instead.

Where's the snow?

Cole decided to put on his snow suit (note the bare feet) in preparation for the snow that we never got.

Cole's dinosaurs

Cole and his "naughty" dinosaurs were cooking again. Their specialty is lasagna.

On the move

You have to keep an eye on the little bugger, she is quick.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Playing in the Snow

Cole, Safra & Cash had a great time in the snow today at Jenny's - they even built a beautiful snowman!

Looking outside

Cora loves to stand and look outside, and at times lick the window when things are slow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day

Mama & Cora at Mighty-O
Daddy & Cole read post-donut
We enjoyed a nice 3-day weekend with grandma Mary (up from Phoenix to visit Carmen), staying warm and getting healthy. B & I got to go on a date to Marcellos, while Grandma played with C&C at home.  Cole had some 1:1 lego time with grandma, and Cora continued to eat everything in sight (green beans, flank steak & baked sweet potato of note). We wrapped up the weekend with a chilly walk to Mighty-O where Cora ate her first donut. When I made the mistake of popping the last piece of donut into my mouth, Cora cried out in protest until I salvaged a bite for her from my mouth. I felt like a mama bird feeding her from my beak, I guess she really likes donuts!.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

lazy Sunday

Cole's napping, daddy's running, & Cora's helping mama in the kitchen.

Friday, February 18, 2011

playing with the big kids

Cora stood and played at the train table at mosaic. She stood right in with the bigger kids and held her ground. Cole was busy playing in the kitchen and "making coffee" with a new friend.

Big brother

This morning Cole decided to bring Cora all her favorite toys to play with in the kitchen. Sweet big bro!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Snuggle with Carmen

I was finally well enough to hold Carmen, so we all went over to Kjell & Jamie's house tonight to visit. We brought pizza and mom met us there. Carmen is downright adorable!

Rolling together at Fred Meyer

Cole and Cora in the car cart, makes everyone smile

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cora adoring Cole who is just off camera. Screaming.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sick Day

I was wearing my coat, carrying my coffee, lunch and purse, poised to leave for work this morning when it occurred to us to take Cole's temperature. He has been sick for a week, but woke in a coughing fit around 4:30a.m. today and never went back down.  Well, actually he attempted to, but then Cora started her coughing fit culminating in vomit. Cole was burning up at over 102 when we tested it! I called in sick for the morning, we scheduled a Dr. appt for 1:30 and B rearranged his schedule to cover the afternoon sick-kid shift.

So for the first time since May of 2010 I have spent the morning alone with Cole. We've read a great number of books, unpacked his garbage bags of toys (earned by very good behavior today), and had some good fun tracing our hands on paper.  I have cherished this 1:1 time with him after the fast pace of parenting two. Although all morning I kept catching myself thinking "Oh no! Where is Cora, did I forget her in the living room?"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

This weekend we all hunkered down and tried to get well, although we did manage to have a lot of fun too.  Highlights include:  Mens breakfast at church, Girls breakfast at Pete's, shopping & buying Cora a tutu (see picture) at Marshall's (w/Margie & Savannah),seeing the children's play Giggle Giggle Quack in Everett (just dad & Cole), getting new books at the Greenlake Library, bringing food to Kjell, Jamie and new baby Carmen (born this past Tuesday 2/8/11), and binging on KFC for hopefully the last time. We've begun a new mission to eat more vegetables and are striving to be healthier this year, so Sunday was filled with recipes, lists & grocery shopping.

Today we had friends over for a playdate - Emily from SnoCo and her son Sam. The boys got along well and the three of us girls got to chat and snack on banana bread fresh from the oven. Cole & Cora both have colds, so temperaments are not at their best but we all had a good day together.

At nap time today, Cole was in unique spirits, alternately exhausted and challenging.  It resulted in a showdown of wills between Cole & mama, which culminated in Cole suggesting that we bag up all his toys and give them away because he wasn't taking a nap:  "mama, you forgot that puzzle . . . Mama don't forget the ______." Ugh. Mama is not sure how she'll paint herself out of this corner  . . . so far I am baiting him that good behavior until dinnertime will get him his choice of toys back from the garbage bags. . . .

Grandma Jan & Grandpa Jim saved the day with a care package that arrived post-nap including two sticker books that have captivated Cole all afternoon. 

Cora's new favorite thing to do is stand at the front door and lick the glass . . . we can only imagine what our neighbors must think.